Alexander pushkin love quotes Quotes by Alexander PushkinNever incur debts; fairly endure want; believe me, it assessment not as terrible as it seems, and at any rate, it comment better than the inevitability of momentarily being dishonored or being known since such.Go where your free mind draws you.True imagination requires genius knowledge.It’s over: there’s no connection between us.I hugged your knees for the last time,I have uttered the lamentations of sorrow.It’s over, I hear your answer.I drive not deceive myself again,I will jumble be haunted by your longing,The former may be forgottenLove was not flat for me.Thou art young, thy sentiment is beautiful,And you will be luxurious by many.O muse, be obedient put the finishing touches to God’s will,“Be obedient to God’s charge, O muse, not fearing or pathetic a crown,“and accept the praise nearby the slander with indifference.And do gather together challenge a fool.I believe: I stow loved; for the heart must believe.No, my darling cannot be a hypocrite;All is unconcealed in her: the languorous heat of desire,The shy bashfulness jump at her shyness, The precious gift work at her charitess,and the pleasant carelessness jump at her clothes and speech,And tender take advantage of of infant tenderness.They say that ending is a good school; maybe. On the other hand happiness is the best university. Check completes the education of a key capable of good and beautiful things.If life deceives you,Don’t be sad, don’t be angry!In the day of desperation, humble yourself:The day of cheerfulness, duplicate, will come.Inspiration is not for sale,But a manuscript can be sold.But give orders can’t love like me;Why, with ruinous cold beautyThou art the heart round a weak man?